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Getting Started with 3D Animation in Unity (Video Course)
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Course Overview
Creating your Character
Creating your Character (1:53)
Animating your Character (3:47)
Importing your Character (10:15)
Using FInite State Machines
Controlling your Character (6:03)
Creating States and Transitions (7:30)
Controlling States from a Script (11:17)
Adding new Animations (4:18)
Using 1D Blend Trees
Creating a Blend Tree (7:44)
Controlling a Blend Tree from a Script (5:29)
Combining a Character Controller and a blend Tree (4:20)
Rotating the Character (3:15)
Reversing the Speed of Animations (2:43)
Creating Strafing Animations (3:14)
Using 2D Blend Trees
Creating a 2D Blend Tree (9:28)
Controlling a 2D Blend Tree from a Script (4:39)
Mapping the Movement to the arrow Keys (3:47)
Polishing-up the character and adding animations
Fixing the Texture for the 3D Character (2:05)
Jumping (Part1) (6:38)
Jumping (Part 2) (2:58)
Jumping (Part 3) (2:26)
Using the same anmation for 2 characters (part 1) (6:18)
Using the same anmation for 2 characters (part 2)
Adding Artificial Intelligence to NPCs' Navigation
Following a dynamic target (8:44)
Following a path (2:48)
Hiding the targets (2:23)
Walking randomly (2:48)
The end ..?
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Jumping (Part 2)
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